About OYE 1:1 Coaching:

To help you stay committed to advancing or changing your career path, you'll learn and experience the following key elements:

🚀Professional Branding

🌐Effective Communication

✨Leadership Development

💡Strategic Thinking and Partnering

💥Increased Confidence and so much more!

In addition, you will also get:

  • (12) 60-minute weekly group sessions. 
  • A network of like-minded peers to support you accessible via Slack community. 
  • Access to OYE (Own Your Expertise) library and curriculum.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    1. (NEW) Video: Get Out of Your Head

    2. Exercise: My Hopes and Fears

    3. (NEW) Video: Speak Your Desire Aloud

    4. Exercise: My Desires

    5. (NEW) Exercise: A Love Letter to Myself

    6. (NEW) Resource: Feelings Wheel

    7. (NEW) Resource: Self-Coaching Model

    1. (NEW) OYE 1:1 Coaching Mid-Course Evaluation

    1. Video: Defining Your Personal Brand with Confidence

    2. Exercise: Defining My Professional Brand

    3. Exercise: Writing my Executive Biography

    4. Resource: Executive Biographies Example

    5. (NEW) Video: The Art of Self-Promotion

    6. (NEW) Video: What is LinkedIn?

    7. (NEW) Video: LinkedIn Images

    8. Exercise: Polishing My LinkedIn

    9. Exercise: What Will I Post?

    10. Resource: LinkedIn Resources

    11. (NEW) Video: Telling Your Story Confidently Interview Prep

    12. Exercise: Crafting your Interview Responses

    13. Resource: Common Interview Behavior Questions

    14. Resource: Common Executive Leadership Interview Questions

    15. Resource: Common Educational Administrator Leadership Interview Questions

    16. Resource: 12 Essential Messages for Every Professional Latino in the Job Hunt

    17. Video: Resume Redefined

    18. Exercise: My Proudest Moments 2

    19. Exercise: Write Your Power Statements

    20. Resource: Resumes Resources

    1. Video: The Power of Networking

    2. Exercise: My Communities

    3. Resource: Free Scheduling Apps for Networking

    4. (NEW) Video: Your Personal Board of Directors

    5. (NEW) Exercise: Building My Personal Board of Directors

    6. (NEW) Resource: Who to Have on Your Personal Board of Directors

    7. Video: Establishing Executive Presence

    8. Exercise: "Do I?" Self-Quiz

    1. Post-Course Evaluation Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 38 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content